25-8 News Network
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
EARTHQUAKE Rocks the US Capital 5.8 magnitude
A 5.8-magnitude earthquake struck Mineral, Virginia, 87 miles outside of Washington, D.C., today. You can see the White House appear to shake as the Secret Service walks on its roof in the video above.
Shaking could be felt from Toronto to New York all the way to North Carolina at close to 2 p.m. this afternoon. The quake lasted 45 seconds, and is one of the largest ever to hit the East Coast.
The Pentagon, Capitol and White House were all evacuated, according to the Associated Press.
Roll Call says the Capitol was evacuated after staffers saw "chandeliers...swinging from side to side." According to an eyewitness on Twitter, the National Cathedral is damaged, with some of its stones falling off altogether.
But no fatalities have been reported so far, and the damage appears to be relatively minimal.
Many people trying to make cell phone calls in the area reported having trouble finding service. Craig Fugate, the head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, used Twitter to ask Washington residents to "try to stay off your cell phone if it is not an emergency."
Office workers stood outside Dupont Circle in Washington, waiting to be allowed back in to their buildings after the tremor, reports Laura Rozen, who writes The Envoy blog for Yahoo! News. While there were reports that the National Monument was "tilted," Yahoo! Ticket reporter Chris Moody went to the scene and found it looking fine. The grounds within 1,000 feet of the monument were closed, he reported.
Two nuclear reactors in Virginia were automatically shut off after the quake, but no damage has been reported, according to Reuters . A nuclear power plant near the epicenter of the quake is designed to survive up to a 6.1-magnitude quake, according to the People's Alliance for Clean Energy.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Hacktivist vow to shut down facebook on Nov 5th
 Uh oh Facebook lovers, a group called Anonymous says it is planning to destroy Facebook, “the medium of communication you all so dearly adore.”<br />
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The hacktivist group has posted a warning on YouTube touting its plan to “kill” the site on Nov. 5th. WHY? Well you know what it is… “Your own privacy,” it says. “Facebook has been selling information to government agencies and giving clandestine access to information security firms so that they can spy on people from all around the world.”<br />
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“Everything you do on Facebook stays on Facebook regardless of your ‘privacy’ settings, and deleting your account is impossible,” the message continues. “One day you will look back on this and realize what we have done here is right.” <br />
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Now no one knows if the “takedown” will work, but heck its better to be safe than sorry if you know what I mean. So how do you back up your Facebook data?
. Included in the download is your contact info, photos, videos, notes, and wall posts as well as chat conversations, friend lists, events, and comments made on your wall posts. If you do choose to back up your Facebook data (it’s recommended!), then be sure to keep it in a safe place, like a password-protected file on an external hard drive.<br />
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What do you think? Will you be on Facebook that day? Are you scared of the hackers locking you out of Facebook? Do you think the hackers are right for going after Facebook?
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